Evan Gray was born and raised in Jefferson, North Carolina. His teaching, writing, and research is deeply influenced by Appalachian traditions, culture, and history. He has taught courses in composition, creative writing, memoirs, and poetics and believes in the classroom as space for experimentation and collaboration. His essays and poems have been published in a variety of journals in the United States and Canada. Learn more about him here.
Academic Speciality
Rural Poetics; Rhetoric; Creative Nonfiction; Appalachian Culture; Pedagogy; Avant-Garde Literature
M.F.A., Creative Writing, University of North Carolina Wilmington
M.A.T., Secondary English Education, University of North Carolina Wilmington
B.A., English, Appalachian State University
Selected Publications
Thickets Swamped in Fence-Coated Briars (Garden-Door Press, 2023)
Dusk Melody (Shirt-Pocket Press, 2019)
Body Birth (Above/Ground Press, 2019)
Blindspot (the Rest (Garden-Door Press, 2018)
“Morning Buzz Through a Worn-Our Speaker: The Practice of Compost and Music in Nathan Hauke’s Indian
Summer Recycling.” DIAGRAM. Fall 2020.
“A Field Worn in Rows and Buckets of Cud Thrown Through the Combine.” DIAGRAM. Spring 2019.
“a crevice, a consequence of this.” Sampsonia Way. Winter 2021.
“static human: leafstalk tooth margin.” Denver Quarterly. Winter 2020.
“SHOE-MOUTH GARDEN.” Dreginald. Fall 2019.
“From Wretch Poetics.” Duise: Tuesday Poem of the Week #311. Fall 2019.
“MUDHOLE.” Tarpaulin Sky Magazine. Summer 2019.
“the michael jordan of systematic oppression.” Dream Pop Press. Spring 2018.
“Winter, 2013.” Word For/Word Journal. Winter 2018.
“Look Mudhole, They Bulldozed the Mtn. & Put a Dollar General In.” Gigantic Sequins 6th Annual Contest Finalist. Selected by Eduardo C. Corral. 2017.

Title: Visiting Assistant Professor
Department: Department of English
Email address: Email me