Academic Specialty:
Jennifer Wilson joined the faculty of Appalachian State University in 2000 with a Ph.D. in English from the University of Georgia. She teaches the British novel from its eighteenth-century beginnings to the present day and is interested in how the practice of reading changes our habits of mind and reframes our own experiences.
Wilson writes on the afterlives of stories as well as on interdisciplinary connections between Psychology and Literature. Recent publications include a study of the contemporary worker as castaway in 21st-century film retellings of Robinson Crusoe, an article on shared attention within the short stories of A.S. Byatt, and an analysis of embodied cognition in Charlotte Brontë's Villette.
ENG 5865, Eighteenth-Century British Studies, MW 2-3:15
ENG 3710, Studies in Women and Literature, MWF 11-11:50
ENG 2010, British Literature to 1789, MWF 12-12:50
- Ph.D., University of Georgia
- M.A., University of Georgia
- B.M., DePauw University
Selected Publications:
- “Things of the Spirit: Vibrant Matter in A Sentimental Journey.” Laurence Sterne’s A Sentimental Journey: ‘A Legacy to the World.’ Ed. W.B. Gerard and M.C. Newbould.Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell UP, 2021, 150-168.
- “The Embodied Mind of Boswell’s The Hypochondriack and the Turn of the Century Novel.” Boswell and the Press: The Ephemeral Writing of James Boswell, Esq. Ed. Donald J. Newman. Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell UP, 2021, 128-143.
- “’the true State of our Condition’: The 21 st -Century Worker as Castaway.” Rewriting Crusoe: The Robinsonade Across Languages, Cultures, and Media. Ed. Jakub Lipski. Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell UP, 2020. 135-147.
- “’I had made it myself’: Convergence of Past and Present Selves in Villette.” Portable Prose: The Novel and the Everyday. Ed. Jarrad Cogle, N. Cyril Fischer, Lydia Saleh Rofail, and Vanessa Smith. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2018. 91-108.
- “’I have you in my eye, sir’: The Spectacle of Kingship in The Madness of King George.” The Cinematic Eighteenth Century. Ed. Srividhya Swaminathan and Steven Thomas. New York: Routledge, 2018. 58-71.
- "'We know only names, so far';: Samuel Richardson, Shirley Jackson, and Exploration of the Precarious Self." Co-author with Michael T. Wilson. Shirley Jackson: Influences and Confluences. Ed. Melanie R. Anderson and Lisa Kroger. Burlington, VT: Routledge, 2016. 7-24.
- Approaches to Teaching the Novels of Henry Fielding. Co-editor and contributor with Elizabeth Kraft. New York: MLA, 2015.

Title: Professor
Department: Department of English
Email address: Email me
Phone: (828) 262-2338