Matthew Wimberley grew up in the Blue Ridge Mountains. He is the author of two collections of poetry, Daniel Boone's Window (LSU, 2021) selected by Dave Smith for the Southern Messenger Poets series, and All the Great Territories (SIU, 2020), winner of the 2018 Crab Orchard Poetry Series First Book award, and winner of the Weatherford Award from the Appalachian Studies Association .Winner of the 2015 William Matthews Prize from the Asheville Poetry Review, his work was selected by Mary Szybist for the 2016 Best New Poets Anthology. Wimberley received his MFA from NYU where he worked with children at St. Mary's Hospital as a Starworks Fellow. He teaches in western North Carolina.
Academic Specialty
Poetics of Place, Narrative Poetry, Ecopoetics, Appalachian Poetry, Elegy, Deep Ecology
M.F.A Poetry, New York University
B.A Creative Writing, North Carolina State University
Daniel Boone’s Window (Louisiana State University Press, September 2021): Selected by Dave Smith for the Southern Messenger Series.
All the Great Territories (Southern Illinois University Press, March 2020): Winner of the 2018 Crab Orchard Poetry Series First Book Prize, selected by Vandana Khanna. Winner of the 2020 Weatherford Award for Poetry from Berea College and the Appalachian Studies Association.
Snake Mountain Almanac (Seven Kitchens Press, 2014): Winner of the Rane Arroyo Chapbook Contest, selected by Eduardo C. Corral.
Work Appearing in Anthologies
Dear Yusef: Essays, Letters, and Poems, For and About One Mr. Komunyakaa, Edited by John Murillo and Nicole Sealey, Fall 2024, Published by Wesleyan University Press.
Finger Exercises for Poets by Dorianne Laux, Summer 2024, Published by W.W. Norton & Company.
Mid-South Sonnets, Edited by C.T. Salazar and Casie Dodd, Fall 2023, Published by Belle Point Press.
Inheriting the War: Poetry and Prose by Descendants of Vietnam Veterans and Refugees, Edited by Laren McClung. Published by W.W. Norton & Company.
Best New Poets 2016, Selected by Mary Szybist. Published by Meridian and University of Virginia Press.
The Anthology of Southern Poets, North Carolina, Edited by Jesse Graves, Paul Ruffin, and William Wright. Published by Texas Review Press.
Essays & Reviews
Review of Jim Minick’s The Intimacy of Spoons, Still: The Journal (July, 2024).
“While Reading ‘Anchorage’ I think of My Father” 32 Poems Contributor’s Marginalia (March, 2024).
“Writing All the Great Territories” Carolina Quarterly (Spring, 2022).
“Chiasmus” Grist (December, 2021).
Review of Annie Woodford’s Bootleg appeared in Appalachian Journal, (Spring 2020).
“The Poem is a Spiral” appeared in Blackbird (Summer, 2020).
Writing Lessons: “The Poem as a Door” appeared on the Ploughshares Blog (Spring, 2014).

Title: Lecturer
Department: Department of English
Email address: Email me