Vanessa Evans


Vanessa Evans (she/her) is a settler scholar and Assistant Professor specializing in contemporary Indigenous literatures and theory. Her current research aims to advance scholarly understandings of how comparative approaches to diverse and distinct Indigenous literatures can further illuminate how Indigenous Peoples and nations are enacting Indigenous resurgence. While completing her PhD, Evans was a visiting lecturer at the Obama Institute for Transnational American Studies and the Center for Comparative Native and Indigenous Studies at Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz, Germany. Evans’s research has appeared in venues such as Mapping World Anglophone Studies: English in a World of Strangers (2024), Studies in the Novel (2022), and The International Journal of Online Pedagogy and Course Design (2022). Her co-edited book, Cultures of Citizenship in the Twenty-First Century, was published in 2023, with Transcript Press. 

Evans’s teaching, like her research, is centrally concerned with how to respectfully engage the stories we study and those we bring to the classroom as individuals. She is always working to be more inclusive of Indigenous ways of being-knowing-doing and, as such, takes a holistic approach to pedagogy. This approach works to recognize the network of relations in which students and educators exist by affirming the key role each person plays in sustaining our classroom communities and the broader communities we return to when class ends. Consequently, her teaching centers four key commitments: knowledge diversity, (ii) self-determination, (iii) process, and (iv) collaboration.

Academic Specialties:
Contemporary Indigenous literatures and theory
Transnational American studies
Cultural studies
Citizenship studies
Postcolonial literature and theory
World literature and theory

PhD, English, York University (2023)
MLitt, Modernities, University of Glasgow (2011)
BA, English, University of Calgary (2009)

Selected Publications:

Title: Assistant Professor
Department: Department of English

Email address: Email me

Phone: (828) 262-7109

Office address
Sanford Hall 342