This course focuses on digital literature and writing created by Black, Indigenous, Latinx, and Asian American people who reside in the United States and Canada. This kind of literature and writing arises from a creative engagement with digital technologies that results in language-driven works that incorporate computation, animation, multimedia integration, interactivity, and/or networking and depart from the constraints and culture of the (printed/virtual) page. This course will introduce you to the main genres and practices of the field of electronic literature, extending it to digital writing to encompass a broader variety of practices and intents. This field has not been very diverse due to historically privileged access to digital technologies (aka the digital divide), unequal education in programming, digital literacy, and advanced digital skills, and a culture that defines the field through aesthetics of difficulty. This course seeks to address this disparity in representation by focusing on work by American and Canadian writers from historically underrepresented ethnic backgrounds and creating lines of continuity that arise from their own literary and cultural contexts.
Section 103 is a hybrid MWF 9:00-9:50 class that will meet face to face on Mondays and Wednesdays, and will typically have asynchronous online discussions on Fridays.
Here's a link to the course website for the Fall 2023 implementation of this course.
Taught by Prof. Leonardo Flores.