ENG 4508-101, Junior/Senior Honors Seminar: Popular Genre Fiction

The class will explore and analyze literature through the organizing structures of genre, with an emphasis on popular as well as literary fiction. We’ll read a range of  works across genres like romance, fantasy, science fiction, noir, mystery, thriller, horror, western, literary fiction, and so on, noting the traits and styles of each genre. Our texts may include short stories, novellas, novels, and works of critical analysis. Graded elements will likely include reading quizzes, weekly response papers, a short analytical paper and a longer research paper. 

Tuesday/Thursday 2:00-3:15 pm
Hybrid (less than 50% online)
Sanford Hall 312
Dr. Mike Wilson

Required Texts:

Our primary textbook will be Gary Hoppenstand’s Popular Fiction: An Anthology. The anthology is out-of-print, so I’ll provide loaner copies for free to every student. The anthology is also available used online if you prefer to use your own copy. 

Published: Jul 11, 2024 6:00pm
