ENG 4720, 4721, and 5720 Appalachian Literature will by Dr. Conway this Fall 2021 semester. It will meet every Tuesday from 5 to 6:15 in the brand new Sanford Hall with a Zoom class on Thursdays. This class will meet to discuss the writings and culture of the Appalachian region from settlement to present day. Any comments, questions, or concerns can be directed to Dr. Conway at conwayec@email.unc.edu
From Dr. Conway,
"A study of major regional movements, genres, and writers in the Appalachian Mountains from settlement to the present. Application of individual research and critical thought to interpretation of significant novels in 20th Century Appalachian Literature in the midst of American modernism, post-modernism and global cyberspace. This class is organized as a seminar. Students will learn by their own presentation and discussion as well as by the professor's mini-lectures, media, discussion, and presentation."