The Fall Writing Competition is now open. This is a great opportunity to open yourself up to a creative and fun writing competition. The information about the scholarship competition is attached to the flyer.
For this competition please submit four poems to apply if you are using poetry.
For The Creative Prose Application:
One short story, play script, screenplay, or piece of creative nonfiction (includes memoir). Scripts must be submitted in a standard format. Prose entries must be complete and self-contained. (This means please do not identify your entry as a "chapter" --- if it is a chapter of a longer work, it must be free-standing.) Please double-space prose, use 12-point font, and number pages. Maximum entry length: 23 double-spaced pages.
John Foster West Scholarship in Creative Prose $668 (winner from any major)
Majorie South Idol scholarship in Poetry $1,224 (winner from English major)
Marian Coe Scholarship in Poetry $1,005 (winner from any major)
Majorie South Idol scholarship in creative prose and fiction $1,210 (winner from English major)
On the separate first page of your entry, write your name, MAJOR, ASU email, and phone number
You may submit in both poetry and prose competitions, but please keep theentries separate.
Proofreading and polish count!