- Most students who entered ASU before Fall 2013 should be on the old BA English check sheet, not on the Literary Studies Concentration check sheet. The Literary Studies Concentration only became available as of Fall 2013.
- Students should take ENG 3000 as a prerequisite, or at least as a co-requisite, before taking 4000-level literature classes.
- A student's choice for the capstone course should not duplicate content already taken in a 4000-level literature course. For example, if a student has already taken ENG 4585 as a literature course, he/she should not select 4586 as a capstone. An exception might be made when there is a different instructor and the content will be significantly different, but the student should first get approval from the Chair or Assistant Chair.
- Students in the Accelerated Master's Program will usually do their capstone project in conjunction with a graduate course, and thus they will not be taking the capstones listed on the check sheet.