19-21 st century Russian, Slavic, and American literatures
Name | Position | |
Brittany Roberts |
Lecturer |
American Literature - 1900 to Present
Name | Position | |
Sandra L. Ballard |
Professor |
Cece Conway |
Professor |
Bruce Dick |
Professor Emeritus |
Carl Eby |
Professor |
Kristina Groover |
Professor |
Leon Lewis |
Professor Emeritus |
Leon Lewis |
Senior Lecturer |
Holly Martin |
Professor Emeritus |
Christopher Meade |
Assistant Professor |
Zackary Vernon |
Associate Professor |
Zackary Vernon |
Director of Graduate Studies |
Michael T. Wilson |
Professor |
American Literature - 19th Century
Name | Position | |
Carl Eby |
Professor |
Grace McEntee |
Professor Emeritus |
Colin Ramsey |
Professor Emeritus |
Lynn Searfoss |
Professor Emeritus |
Michael T. Wilson |
Professor |
American Literature - African American
Name | Position | |
Bruce Dick |
Professor Emeritus |
Michael Docherty |
Assistant Professor |
Carl Eby |
Professor |
Kristina Groover |
Professor |
Grace McEntee |
Professor Emeritus |
American Literature - Appalachian & Southern
Name | Position | |
Sandra L. Ballard |
Professor |
Cece Conway |
Professor |
Zackary Vernon |
Associate Professor |
Zackary Vernon |
Director of Graduate Studies |
American Literature - Colonial & Federal
Name | Position | |
Colin Ramsey |
Professor Emeritus |
Wilber Ward |
Professor Emeritus |
American Literature - Ethnic & Native American
Name | Position | |
Bruce Dick |
Professor Emeritus |
Holly Martin |
Professor Emeritus |
Christopher Meade |
Assistant Professor |
Appalachian Cultural Rhetoric
Name | Position | |
Savannah Paige Murray |
Assistant Professor |
Appalachian literature, Appalachian folklore, and Japanese literature.
Name | Position | |
Kennedy Sloop |
Lecturer |
Assistant Chair
Name | Position | |
Jessie Blackburn |
Professor |
British and American Romanticism
Name | Position | |
April McGinnis |
Lecturer |
British Literature - 18th Century
Name | Position | |
Ellen Perry |
Adjunct |
Alexander Pitofsky |
Professor |
Jennifer Wilson |
Professor |
British Literature - 1900 to Present
Name | Position | |
William Atkinson |
Professor |
Kristina Groover |
Professor |
James Ivory |
Associate Professor |
Leon Lewis |
Professor Emeritus |
Leon Lewis |
Senior Lecturer |
British Literature - 19th Century
Name | Position | |
William Brewer |
Professor |
British Literature - Early Modern
Name | Position | |
David L. Orvis |
Professor |
David L. Orvis |
Assistant Chair of English |
Susan C. Staub |
Professor |
Roger Stilling |
Professor Emeritus |
British Literature - Medieval
Name | Position | |
Alison Gulley |
Professor |
Alison Gulley |
Honors Director |
British Literature - The Romantic Period
Name | Position | |
William Brewer |
Professor |
Caribbean literature, cinema, and culture
Name | Position | |
Patrick Crowley |
Lecturer |
Citizenship studies
Name | Position | |
Vanessa Evans |
Assistant Professor |
Comparative Literature
Name | Position | |
Başak Çandar |
Associate Professor |
Başak Çandar |
Director of Undergraduate Studies |
Patrick Crowley |
Lecturer |
Christopher Meade |
Assistant Professor |
Brittany Roberts |
Lecturer |
Contemporary American Literature
Name | Position | |
Ben Morris |
Lecturer |
Contemporary and Cultural Rhetorics
Name | Position | |
Bethany Ober Mannon |
Assistant Professor |
Bethany Ober Mannon |
Director of Rhetoric and Writing Studies |
Contemporary Indigenous literatures and theory
Name | Position | |
Vanessa Evans |
Assistant Professor |
Creative Writing
Name | Position | |
Joseph Bathanti |
Professor |
Lynn Doyle |
Associate Professor |
Kathryn Kirkpatrick |
Professor |
Ben Morris |
Lecturer |
Mark Powell |
Professor |
Bill Torgerson |
Lecturer |
Susan Weinberg |
Professor Emeritus |
Critical digital literacy
Name | Position | |
Clarice Moran |
Associate Professor |
Critical Theory
Name | Position | |
Başak Çandar |
Associate Professor |
Başak Çandar |
Director of Undergraduate Studies |
Carl Eby |
Professor |
James Ivory |
Associate Professor |
Kathryn Kirkpatrick |
Professor |
Thomas McLaughlin |
Professor Emeritus |
Christopher Meade |
Assistant Professor |
David L. Orvis |
Professor |
David L. Orvis |
Assistant Chair of English |
Kyle Stevens |
Associate Professor |
Belinda Walzer |
Associate Professor |
Cultural Studies
Name | Position | |
Vanessa Evans |
Assistant Professor |
Craig Fischer |
Professor |
Kyle Stevens |
Associate Professor |
Belinda Walzer |
Associate Professor |
Michael T. Wilson |
Professor |
Decolonial aesthetics
Name | Position | |
Patrick Crowley |
Lecturer |
Department Chair
Name | Position | |
Prof. Leonardo L Flores |
Professor |
Prof. Leonardo L Flores |
Chair |
Digital Composition
Name | Position | |
Bill Torgerson |
Lecturer |
Digital Literacies
Name | Position | |
Clarice Moran |
Associate Professor |
Discourse Analysis
Name | Position | |
Donna Lillian |
Associate Professor |
Donna Lillian |
Associate Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences |
Name | Position | |
Morgan DePue |
Lecturer |
Savannah Paige Murray |
Assistant Professor |
Name | Position | |
Kathryn Kirkpatrick |
Professor |
April McGinnis |
Lecturer |
Zackary Vernon |
Director of Graduate Studies |
Zackary Vernon |
Associate Professor |
English Education
Name | Position | |
Leslie Susan Cook |
Professor |
Leslie Susan Cook |
Director of English Education |
Peaches Hash |
Assistant Professor |
Clarice Moran |
Associate Professor |
Elaine O'Quinn |
Professor |
Environmental humanities
Name | Position | |
Morgan DePue |
Lecturer |
Brittany Roberts |
Lecturer |
Environmental Rhetoric
Name | Position | |
Morgan DePue |
Lecturer |
Savannah Paige Murray |
Assistant Professor |
Ethnic American Literature
Name | Position | |
Melissa Birkhofer |
Visiting Assistant Professor |
Feminist Historiography
Name | Position | |
Savannah Paige Murray |
Assistant Professor |
Name | Position | |
Bruce Dick |
Professor Emeritus |
Craig Fischer |
Professor |
Toney Frazier |
Senior Lecturer |
Leon Lewis |
Professor Emeritus |
Leon Lewis |
Senior Lecturer |
Ben Morris |
Lecturer |
Alexander Pitofsky |
Professor |
John Sanders |
Assistant Professor |
Kyle Stevens |
Associate Professor |
Roger Stilling |
Professor Emeritus |
Zackary Vernon |
Associate Professor |
Zackary Vernon |
Director of Graduate Studies |
Name | Position | |
Cece Conway |
Professor |
Gender Studies
Name | Position | |
Carl Eby |
Professor |
Alison Gulley |
Professor |
Alison Gulley |
Honors Director |
Kathryn Kirkpatrick |
Professor |
Ellen Perry |
Adjunct |
Belinda Walzer |
Associate Professor |
Michael T. Wilson |
Professor |
Gender, Race, and the Novel
Name | Position | |
Ryan James McGuckin |
Teaching Assistant Professor |
Gender, Religion, and Social Movements
Name | Position | |
Bethany Ober Mannon |
Assistant Professor |
Bethany Ober Mannon |
Director of Rhetoric and Writing Studies |
History of the English Language
Name | Position | |
Alison Gulley |
Professor |
Alison Gulley |
Honors Director |
Donna Lillian |
Associate Professor |
Donna Lillian |
Associate Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences |
Lynn Searfoss |
Professor Emeritus |
Horror, the gothic, science fiction, and the fantastic
Name | Position | |
Brittany Roberts |
Lecturer |
Indigenous Literatures
Name | Position | |
Melissa Birkhofer |
Visiting Assistant Professor |
Irish Literature & Culture
Name | Position | |
Kathryn Kirkpatrick |
Professor |
Language Studies & Linguistics
Name | Position | |
William Atkinson |
Professor |
Donna Lillian |
Associate Professor |
Donna Lillian |
Associate Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences |
Lynn Searfoss |
Professor Emeritus |
Latinx Literatures
Name | Position | |
Melissa Birkhofer |
Visiting Assistant Professor |
Literary transnationalism
Name | Position | |
Patrick Crowley |
Lecturer |
Modernism and Modernity
Name | Position | |
Ryan James McGuckin |
Teaching Assistant Professor |
Musical Culture
Name | Position | |
Ryan James McGuckin |
Teaching Assistant Professor |
Name | Position | |
Vanessa Evans |
Assistant Professor |
Poetry & Poetics
Name | Position | |
Joseph Bathanti |
Professor |
Lynn Doyle |
Associate Professor |
Kathryn Kirkpatrick |
Professor |
Post-Colonial Literature
Name | Position | |
James Ivory |
Associate Professor |
Christopher Meade |
Assistant Professor |
Belinda Walzer |
Associate Professor |
Postcolonial literature and theory
Name | Position | |
Vanessa Evans |
Assistant Professor |
Posthumanism, animal studies, and critical plant studies
Name | Position | |
Brittany Roberts |
Lecturer |
Print Culture and Book History
Name | Position | |
Colin Ramsey |
Professor Emeritus |
Queer Studies
Name | Position | |
David L. Orvis |
Professor |
David L. Orvis |
Assistant Chair of English |
Kyle Stevens |
Associate Professor |
Name | Position | |
Sarah-Beth Long |
Associate Professor |
Sarah-Beth Long |
Internship Director |
Belinda Walzer |
Associate Professor |
Rhetoric & Composition
Name | Position | |
Jacob Babb |
Associate Professor |
Rhetoric and Modernism
Name | Position | |
Ryan James McGuckin |
Teaching Assistant Professor |
Rhetoric and Writing Studies
Name | Position | |
Kate Birgel |
Senior Lecturer |
Jessie Blackburn |
Professor |
Hailie Bryant |
Lecturer |
Heather Childress-Custer |
Adjunct Instructor |
Ben Morris |
Lecturer |
Megan Ruggiero |
Adjunct Instructor |
Lynn Searfoss |
Professor Emeritus |
Dr. Melissa Stone |
Assistant Professor |
Cole Wahab |
Senior Lecturer |
Belinda Walzer |
Associate Professor |
Gail York |
Senior Lecturer |
Russian, Soviet, and American cinema
Name | Position | |
Brittany Roberts |
Lecturer |
Science Fiction and Horror
Name | Position | |
Jacob Babb |
Associate Professor |
Southern Studies
Name | Position | |
Zackary Vernon |
Associate Professor |
Zackary Vernon |
Director of Graduate Studies |
Teacher education
Name | Position | |
Lora Hawkins |
Assistant Professor |
Clarice Moran |
Associate Professor |
Teaching and Tutoring Writing
Name | Position | |
Bethany Ober Mannon |
Assistant Professor |
Bethany Ober Mannon |
Director of Rhetoric and Writing Studies |
Technical & Professional Writing
Name | Position | |
Jessie Blackburn |
Professor |
Sarah-Beth Long |
Associate Professor |
Sarah-Beth Long |
Internship Director |
Belinda Walzer |
Associate Professor |
Technology integration in English language arts education
Name | Position | |
Clarice Moran |
Associate Professor |
Television Studies
Name | Position | |
Kyle Stevens |
Associate Professor |
Transnational Approaches to Literature
Name | Position | |
Vanessa Evans |
Assistant Professor |
Ryan James McGuckin |
Teaching Assistant Professor |
Urban Modernism
Name | Position | |
Ryan James McGuckin |
Teaching Assistant Professor |
Virtual reality
Name | Position | |
Clarice Moran |
Associate Professor |
World Literature
Name | Position | |
William Atkinson |
Professor |
Başak Çandar |
Associate Professor |
Başak Çandar |
Director of Undergraduate Studies |
Howard Giskin |
Professor Emeritus |
Christopher Meade |
Assistant Professor |
Brittany Roberts |
Lecturer |
Belinda Walzer |
Associate Professor |
Writing Program Administration
Name | Position | |
Jacob Babb |
Associate Professor |